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I'm Amaysing. I'm a 14 year old producer from the United States with the dream of becoming a popular EDM artist. I make different styles of EDM like Progressive House, Future House, and Trap. I started making EDM when I was 12 years old (2013). I wasn't really that successful, but I got around by trying to make my music much more better. I watched FL tutorials on YouTube, downloaded the necessary presets and that has helped me gain much more supporters and much more feedback. I listened to that feedback and I've gotten better. In the summer of 2013, I started the label called "CJM Records" to give artists a chance to get their music out to the EDM community. I handpicked 5 random artists (I called them the "Furious Five") and they have grown as artists just like I have. Then, I took a break from making music for a couple months and I wanted to start focusing on growing my label. I signed more artists onto the label and they have gained much popularity, too, and I gained over 100 subscribers in 2 months. I taught myself how to be dedicated in something more important than my own career, the young talents that deserve to be out there. After gaining so much support on CJM Records, I wanted to switch back to my own career. In the beginning of 2016, I made a song called "Nothing Else Matters" and before I deleted all my tracks, I received over 60 likes, 20 reposts, and 10 comments. I was beyond perplexed of the amount of support I've gotten. Then, I switched back to CJM Records, and my label received support from other labels such as Sanpaoky, Owo Collective, Iconoscope and many more. In the middle of 2016, I ran into my first hate mail (I'm not mentioning any names). I was a little carried away, because I keep thinking I was "the most famous DJ in the world" and I was "faking releases" and such. I thought to myself for a second, I was doing this to portray something. I was doing this because I was portraying a dream. I was living up to a dream and looking forward to becoming a big artist. But after I saw the insults that were being thrown at me, I knew that wouldn't be possible. I went down in the number of followers, nobody liked my tracks. I felt miserable. But I thought to myself, "If this is your dream, you can't give up on it." I started making an EP and I decided to add some collaboraters that supported my music. I called the EP "One of Many". I thought it really fit the struggles I was going through emotion-wise. Ever since my new EP came up, I've gotten moderate support from really awesome people. After I saw that support, I knew I was going to be on a really big journey. So if you are actually reading this biography of myself, I just want to let you know something. Do not give up on your dreams, live up to your full potential, ignore the people who hate you because when they do that, that proves that they are either jealous of your story or they are just a bunch of low-lifes. And if you want to become either a DJ, a singer, an actor, a janitor, do everything in your power to live up to that potential. I love you guys, thanks for reading my biography, and I hope you can catch up with my sounds :).

- Amaysing

Personal Questions 

What are your favorite artists?

My artists are Dillon Francis, Tiesto, Don Diablo, and Marshmello. They have been really outstanding producers, and I have looked up to them as a fan, and I am looking forward to being like them.

Who are you supported by?

I am supported by Cmos, SASS, Epigraff, Zara B, SQ1, Elomak, SV, Dr. In, Skyline, DJ Mista-Tee, Oscar Santos, Michael Kralik, Georgeous, Fade In, and Kidd Ross. I have received and have been followed by big artists such as Stelios and Pink Panda. These are not that major artists, but I'm working on building up my support base!

What is your style?

Electronic music. I make all types and I enjoy all types!

What are you best known for?

I am best known for my track "Nothing Else Matters" which has reached over 60 likes and has been supported by many people. 

What is your favorite tune of 2016 (so far)?

Oscar Santos & Bjornberg "Memories"

Who do you think is the breakthrough artist this year?


What is the most important skill a DJ should have?

The most important skill a DJ should have is a positive mindset. A positive mindset that can push you to your limits and help you succeed with making EDM tracks and making the listeners happy. 

Is the future still bright for EDM?

I think EDM will soon replace some brands of pop music, because this genre is still new to the musical community and is still being discovered by millions of people, and it is starting to bring a lot of attention to other people. I think EDM has a shot of becoming one of the best living genres of music ever. 

What cause is closest to your heart?

I was always taught to be a good person. I keep seeing advertisements on TV about homeless people. So when I grow up, I want to start a charity for homeless people and go to food banks everywhere to help the people in need. 

What do you think of DJs who use ghost producers?

I don't have a problem with ghost producers, I just think that the DJs who use ghost producers, are missing out on all the fun a regular DJ is having. I just think its all about the experience of being a DJ, and they are missing out on that experience.  

"If this is your dream, you don't give up on it." - Amaysing, 2016

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